Diplo & the Geneva Internet Platform at the 13th Internet Governance Forum

DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform will be actively engaged at the 13th Internet Governance Forum, in Paris and online. Join us for workshops and sessions, and stay tuned for just-in-time session reports and IGF Daily summaries. Make sure to also drop by at our booth!

Just-in-time reporting

The GIP Digital Watch observatory will provide just-in-time session reports from the IGF, and IGF Daily newsletters, which will be available on the dedicated webpage dig.watch/igf2018. A final report, published after the IGF meeting, will summarise the main themes.


Diplo and the Geneva Internet Platform are organising the following sessions:

The need for capacity development in Internet governance and digital policy is voiced substantively and regularly in official speeches and documents. Experienced facilitators and consultants are active in this area. However, supply and demand do not always match.

What does capacity development need to look like? What is the learning of activities on capacity development that could be useful to newcomers? Are there particular opportunities, risks, and benefits associated to capacity development in coming years?

Read the full report here.

AI is under continuous evolution. We see it in various applications, from translation tools to self-driving cars and beyond. There are more and more discussions around AI, and the opportunities and challenges it brings to various sectors. These discussions range from fact to fiction and from dystopian views to practical interpretations. But the technology is here to stay and it will continue to influence all aspects of society.

Together with the Geneva Internet Platform and the audience’s participation, the proposed session will build on three main themes: AI and the international geopolitical environment, AI as a topic on the international agenda, and AI as a tool for diplomacy.

Visit us at our booth

Diplo and the GIP will have a dedicated booth at the IGF Village. Visit us to get your copies of the IGF Daily newsletter and other digital policy-related publications, including the latest issue of the Geneva Digital Watch newsletter.

Alumni gathering

Diplo alumni are invited to join us for a get-together during the IGF. More details will  be available Diplo Alumni’s Facebook group.


The future of diplomacy: Between continuity and change

In November 2017, we celebrate 15 years of DiploFoundation and 25 years of research and training on Internet and diplomacy with a conference on The Future of Diplomacy: Between Continuity and Change. To mark this milestone, we will reflect on the role of diplomacy in the modern era, and the impact of technology and other areas on the core functions of diplomacy, while keeping a firm eye on the future.

Registrations are now closed.

Diplo’s roots can be traced back to 1992 when we realised there was a need to merge ICT tools with diplomatic practice. Ten years later, Diplo was officially established by Malta and Switzerland as a not-for-profit organisation, and since then, it has trained close to 6,000 participants from 208 countries and territories, in contemporary diplomacy, Internet governance and digital policy, humanitarian diplomacy, and many other areas. In November 2017, we will celebrate 15 years of DiploFoundation and 25 years of research and training on Internet and diplomacy, with a conference on The Future of Diplomacy: Between continuity and change.

The conference on The Future of Diplomacy

On the first day of our November conference, we will discuss the impact of technology and other areas on the core functions of diplomacy, including negotiations, representations, public diplomacy, and other functions. We will explore ways in which countries can ensure their effective participation in global digital policy, by looking at broad areas such as cybersecurity, digital commerce, and emerging technology. We will then turn to online learning, and explore MOOCs, short courses, online coaching, webinars, and blended learning as some of the latest trends.

On the second day, we will discuss artificial intelligence in the context of preparing diplomats for the next chapter in the technological revolution. Which core functions can, and can’t, be automated? Can empathy be digitalised? Can negotiations be programmed? A high-level panel will talk robots, risks, and reality-checks. We will then narrow our focus to everyday technology, by looking at how we deal – in a very practical way – with emails, mobile communications, remote working, e-protocol, and other usages of tech in our daily work and life.

Join us for the anniversary conference, The Future of Diplomacy, on 17-18 November in Malta. More details on the conference website: https://15years.diplomacy.edu

Read also the message from Dr Jovan Kurbalija, Director of DiploFoundation, announcing the conference and celebrations.

Diplo & GIP at the WTO Public Forum 2017

DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform will be actively engaged at WTO Public Forum 2017. Join us for our session, and read our just-in-time session reports and summaries.

WTO Public Forum 2017 just-in-time reporting

Simultaneous events are a challenge to follow. The GIP Digital Watch observatory is providing just-in-time session reports from many sessions, available within a few hours from each session. Read the reports at dig.watch/wto-public-forum-2017 or follow us on @genevagip for direct links. In addition, we will summarise the main themes in daily blog posts, and in a final report, out on Monday, 2nd October 2017.

The GIP is an initiative supported by the Swiss authorities and operated by DiploFoundation.

Diplo/GIP session: Emerging trends on digital technology and their impact on e-commerce (session 105)

Join us for this session, which will be held on 28 September, between 17.00 and 18.30 CEST, in room D.

The session aims to analyse the opportunities and challenges posed by three inter-related technologies – the Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence – on e-commerce. In order to do so, discussions will be guided by practical questions and concrete cases. Particular attention will be given to the consequences of the introduction of new technologies for SMEs and the potential disruption of competition. 

Panel discussion:

Moderator: Marilia Maciel, Digital Policy Senior Researcher, DiploFoundation


Digital policy in global governance: Issues and challenges discussed in Geneva

(Scroll down for the announcement in English)

Qu’attendre du Groupe d’experts gouvernementaux des Nations-Unies sur le développement des TICs dans le contexte de la sécurité internationale ? Quels résultats attendre du Forum public de l’OMC, du Forum sur la Gouvernance de l’Internet, ainsi que des autres évènements à venir ces trois prochains mois ? Qu’en est-il de l’évolution de la Convention de Genève du numérique développée par Microsoft ? DiploFoundation et Geneva Internet Platform invitent les représentants de la presse pour un évènement de présentation et d’explication le Vendredi 22 Septembre à Genève.

What is in store for the UN Group of Governmental Experts on developments in ICT in international security? What outcomes can we expect from the WTO Public Forum, the Internet Governance Forum, and other events, in the next quarter? How is Microsoft’s Digital Geneva Convention evolving? DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform invite Press representatives for a background information event on Friday, 22nd September, in Geneva.

Download the Press Event announcement in PDF format (0.5 Mb)

Plus de la moitié des discussions politiques en matière de numérique ont lieu à Genève. L’impact de ces discussions dépasse le cadre européen, étant donné qu’elles affectent souvent les utilisateurs au niveau global. Le dernier trimestre de l’année 2017 sera une période charnière en matière de politique numérique. Des évènements importants auront lieu à Genève d’ici la fin de l’année, dont les résultats influenceront les politiques à l’échelle globale. Quels évènements et discussions est-il important pour les représentants de la presse de suivre, et quels seront les sujets à l’ordre du jour ? Quels développements importants sont à attendre ?

DiploFoundation et Geneva Internet Platform invitent les représentants de la presse afin de présenter ces prochaines échéances le vendredi 22 septembre de 13h00 à 14h00 (CEST), au bâtiment du WMO (2ème étage, Salle de Mello), à Genève.

Le directeur de DiploFoundation et responsable du GIP Dr Jovan Kurbalija présentera les principaux sujets à suivre au cours du prochain trimestre, à l’instar des débats sur la future Convention de Genève du numérique ; le rôle de l’industrie de l’Internet dans le développement de normes en ligne ; le futur du UN GGE ; les interactions entre chiffrement, vie privée et sécurité ; les aspects éthiques et légaux des technologies émergentes comme l’intelligence artificielle et l’Internet des objets. Dr Kurbalija expliquera également comment ces sujets discutés à Genève influenceront la gouvernance à l’échelle mondiale.

Les prochains évènements importants à Genève incluent :

Merci de vous inscrire pour participer ou répondre par email. Une accréditation aux Nations-Unies n’est pas nécessaire. Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Stephanie Borg Psaila à stephaniep@diplomacy.edu ou +41 22 907 36 30.

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Over 50% of global digital policy discussions take place in International Geneva. The impact of such decisions goes beyond Europe as decisions often affect users globally. Q4 of 2017 will be a busy period for digital policy. Key events and discussions will take place in Geneva until the end of the year, with important outcomes that will affect global digital policy. Which events and discussions should the Press watch out for, and what will the main topics be? Which important developments in digital policy are expected?

DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform invite Press representatives for a background information event on Friday, 22nd September, 13h-14h CEST, at the WMO Building (2nd floor, Salle de Mello) in Geneva.

DiploFoundation Director and GIP Head Dr Jovan Kurbalija will highlight the main issues to follow in the next quarter, such as the debates related to the future of the Digital Geneva Convention; the role of the Internet industry in the development of cybernorms; the future of the UN GGE; the interplay between encryption, privacy, and security; ethical, legal, and security aspects surrounding emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things; and more. He will also explain how the main issues discussed in Geneva will affect global governance.

Important events in Geneva will include:

Please register to attend or RSVP by e-mail. A UN-badge will not be required. For questions, contact Stephanie Borg Psaila on stephaniep@diplomacy.edu or +41 22 907 36 30.

The Geneva Internet Platform is an initiative of the Swiss authorities operated by DiploFoundation, whose mission is to engage digital actors, foster effective digital policy, and monitor digital governance through its Digital Watch observatory. DiploFoundation has been active in capacity development in digital policy for over 15 years.