A discussion about artificial intelligence and the future of humanism through the prism of philosophy, politics, linguistics, arts, and technology.
On Friday, 20th December, from 17.00 to 19.00h CET, at the Centre for the Promotion of Science in Belgrade, Dr Jovan Kurbalija, director of DiploFoundation, Dr Biljana Scott, senior lecturer at DiploFoundation and an associate of the Chinese Institute at Oxford University, and Dr Katharina Höne, senior lecturer at DiploFoundation will have a discussion on the subject of ‘Humanism and artificial intelligence‘. As top experts in their respective fields, the panellists will share their experiences on the questions of ethics, linguistics, legislation, and accountability around artificial intelligence. During the panel, they will also give an introduction to humAInism, an interdisciplinary project which aims to bridge discussions on the future of humanity with AI. The panel is open to the public.
Lecture: Humanism and Artificial intelligence – HumAInism
On Friday, November 22, in hall 62, from 13-15h, at the School of Electrical Engineering, Dr Jovan Kurbalija, director of DiploFoundation will hold a guest lecture “Humanism and Artificial intelligence – HumAInism”. As one of the world experts on questions of digital policy and cooperation, he will share his experiences on the questions of ethics, legislation and accountability around artificial intelligence. During the lecture, he will also give an introduction to HumAInism, an interdisciplinary project which will bridge discussions on the future of humanity with AI. The lecture is aimed at students and researchers, while also open to the public.
Artificial intelligence made in Europe: What will Alexa say?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most transformative forces of our time and is bound to alter the fabric of society. Over the last decade, major advances were realised due to the availability of vast amounts of digital data, powerful computing architectures and advances in Al techniques such as machine learning.
Al-based applications are already in use in numerous areas of life and present a great opportunity to increase prosperity and growth. At the same time numerous questions arise over the long-term impact of AI technologies on humankind. This is why the topic is high on the global policy agenda. International organisations: UNESCO, OECD, ITU, WIPO – to name just a few – as well as national governments, the private sector, NGO’s and academia, have included AI-related questions on their agendas. The European Union (EU) aims to become a global leader in cutting-edge, secure, and ethical Al. With this objective in mind, the European Commission and Member States have undertaken a number of actions, including through the High Level Group of Experts on Artificial Intelligence, which has been mandated to propose ethics guidelines for trust-worthy Al. This work is about to be concluded in March 2019, which presents an excellent opportunity to discuss expected outcomes in the context of the broader policy of the European Union on Al and its contribution to global discussions on this matter. The EU delegation is organising a lunchtime discussion on Thursday, 28th February 2019 at 12:30 – 13:30, at the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations Office in Geneva.
Guest Speakers
Mr Andrea Glorioso, Senior Policy Officer in the European Commission’s Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DC CONNECT), former counsellor on digital economy at the EU Delegation to the United States of America.
Digital policy in global governance: Issues and challenges discussed in Geneva
(Scroll down for the announcement in English)
Qu’attendre du Groupe d’experts gouvernementaux des Nations-Unies sur le développement des TICs dans le contexte de la sécurité internationale ? Quels résultats attendre du Forum public de l’OMC, du Forum sur la Gouvernance de l’Internet, ainsi que des autres évènements à venir ces trois prochains mois ? Qu’en est-il de l’évolution de la Convention de Genève du numérique développée par Microsoft ? DiploFoundation et Geneva Internet Platform invitent les représentants de la presse pour un évènement de présentation et d’explication le Vendredi 22 Septembre à Genève.
What is in store for the UN Group of Governmental Experts on developments in ICT in international security? What outcomes can we expect from the WTO Public Forum, the Internet Governance Forum, and other events, in the next quarter? How is Microsoft’s Digital Geneva Convention evolving? DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform invite Press representatives for a background information event on Friday, 22nd September, in Geneva.
Plus de la moitié des discussions politiques en matière de numérique ont lieu à Genève. L’impact de ces discussions dépasse le cadre européen, étant donné qu’elles affectent souvent les utilisateurs au niveau global. Le dernier trimestre de l’année 2017 sera une période charnière en matière de politique numérique. Des évènements importants auront lieu à Genève d’ici la fin de l’année, dont les résultats influenceront les politiques à l’échelle globale. Quels évènements et discussions est-il important pour les représentants de la presse de suivre, et quels seront les sujets à l’ordre du jour ? Quels développements importants sont à attendre ?
DiploFoundation et Geneva Internet Platform invitent les représentants de la presse afin de présenter ces prochaines échéances le vendredi 22 septembre de 13h00 à 14h00 (CEST), au bâtiment du WMO (2ème étage, Salle de Mello), à Genève.
Le directeur de DiploFoundation et responsable du GIP Dr Jovan Kurbalija présentera les principaux sujets à suivre au cours du prochain trimestre, à l’instar des débats sur la future Convention de Genève du numérique ; le rôle de l’industrie de l’Internet dans le développement de normes en ligne ; le futur du UN GGE ; les interactions entre chiffrement, vie privée et sécurité ; les aspects éthiques et légaux des technologies émergentes comme l’intelligence artificielle et l’Internet des objets. Dr Kurbalija expliquera également comment ces sujets discutés à Genève influenceront la gouvernance à l’échelle mondiale.
Les prochains évènements importants à Genève incluent :
Forum Public de l’OMC (26-28 septembre)
Réunion du conseil groupes de travail de l’IUT (au cours du mois de septembre)
Discussions à Genève sur la proposition de Convention de Genève du numérique (octobre-décembre)
Forum sur la gouvernance de l’Internet (18-21 décembre)
Over 50% of global digital policy discussions take place in International Geneva. The impact of such decisions goes beyond Europe as decisions often affect users globally. Q4 of 2017 will be a busy period for digital policy. Key events and discussions will take place in Geneva until the end of the year, with important outcomes that will affect global digital policy. Which events and discussions should the Press watch out for, and what will the main topics be? Which important developments in digital policy are expected?
DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform invite Press representatives for a background information event on Friday, 22nd September, 13h-14h CEST, at the WMO Building (2nd floor, Salle de Mello) in Geneva.
DiploFoundation Director and GIP Head Dr Jovan Kurbalija will highlight the main issues to follow in the next quarter, such as the debates related to the future of the Digital Geneva Convention; the role of the Internet industry in the development of cybernorms; the future of the UN GGE; the interplay between encryption, privacy, and security; ethical, legal, and security aspects surrounding emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things; and more. He will also explain how the main issues discussed in Geneva will affect global governance.
Important events in Geneva will include:
WTO Public Forum (26-28 September)
ITU Council Working Group meetings (throughout September)
Geneva Talks on the proposed Digital Geneva Convention (October-December)
The Geneva Internet Platform is an initiative of the Swiss authorities operated by DiploFoundation, whose mission is to engage digital actors, foster effective digital policy, and monitor digital governance through its Digital Watch observatory. DiploFoundation has been active in capacity development in digital policy for over 15 years.