humAInism and Artificial Intelligence

A discussion about artificial intelligence and the future of humanism through the prism of philosophy, politics, linguistics, arts, and technology.

On Friday, 20th December, from 17.00 to 19.00h CET, at the Centre for the Promotion of Science in Belgrade, Dr Jovan Kurbalija, director of DiploFoundation, Dr Biljana Scott, senior lecturer at DiploFoundation and an associate of the Chinese Institute at Oxford University, and Dr Katharina Höne, senior lecturer at DiploFoundation will have a discussion on the subject of ‘Humanism and artificial intelligence‘. As top experts in their respective fields, the panellists will share their experiences on the questions of ethics, linguistics, legislation, and accountability around artificial intelligence. During the panel, they will also give an introduction to humAInism, an interdisciplinary project which aims to bridge discussions on the future of humanity with AI. The panel is open to the public.

HumAInism and Artificial intelligence