UNIDIR’s Innovations dialogue, supported by the governments of Germany, India, Qatar, and Switzerland, will take place on 19 August 2019 at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

The theme for the 2019 Innovations dialogue is ‘Digital technologies and international security’. The event will examine technologies that are in daily headlines artificial intelligence, distributed ledger technology, quantum computing, and the Internet of Things yet not currently formally addressed in multilateral disarmament agendas and discussions.

The Innovations Dialogue will examine the interplay between new digital innovations and existing technologies as well as their potentially radical and novel implications for international security and disarmament. The dialogue will also explore how multistakeholder engagement can facilitate effective policy responses to digital innovations and consider how the international community can harness technological innovations to address existing disarmament challenges.

As seating is limited, registration is required and limited to representatives from government,  the private sector, the technical community and accredited civil society organisations.

To register, please visit the registration page.


