[Update] Check out the humAInism Speech Generator .
Launching on Monday, 21st September | Online

The humAInism Speech Generator is a platform for generating diplomatic statements on cybersecurity by codifying existing expertise (bottom-up AI) and pattern recognition of speeches delivered during the UN-mandated Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on developments in the field of ICTs in the context of international security (top-down AI).
During the launch, we will be looking under the bonnet, and also explain what we’ve learned on AI governance from the development of AI tools.
14 new projects in September and October
DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) will be launching 14 new projects in September and October 2020.
14 Sept. The new Digital Watch observatory
17 Sept. ConfTech’s Library on the Future of Meetings
21 Sept. The humAInism Speech Generator
24 Sept. Help Desk for inclusive governance
28 Sept. The Digital Watch weekly digest
5 Oct. Start of Contemporary diplomacy courses
5 Oct. Start of Cybersecurity 10-week course
8 Oct. Tech Meets informal get-togethers (in Geneva)
12 Oct. Diplo’s new Data Engine
15 Oct. Start of the Online Meetings and Conferences online course
19 Oct. The Digital Watch AI-powered media barometer
22 Oct. Study: Diplomacy in the age of COVID-19
26 Oct. The new Geneva Digital Atlas
29 Oct. The ConfTech Immersion Lab (in Geneva)