SciTech DiploHub, the Barcelona Science and Technology Diplomacy Hub, and Institut Barcelona Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), the leading academic and research institution on global affairs from Barcelona, have partnered to offer a first-of-its-kind training in science and technology diplomacy in a will to train the next cohort of leaders of a field that is increasingly essential to tackle humanity’s global challenges. The summer school will take place from 1-5 July in Barcelona, Spain.

Aimed at mid-career scientists, technology experts, and diplomats, as well as graduate students from related disciplines (i.e. science, engineering, political science, or international relations), the summer school covers the most pressing issues on science and technology diplomacy ranging from sustainable development to technology diplomacy, with a special focus on Europe, the Mediterranean, and the role of global cities.

DiploFoundation will be taking part in the summer school with Dr. Katharina Höne speaking on big data and artificial intelligence (AI) and their impact on diplomatic practice, drawing on Diplo’s reports on Data Diplomacy: Updating diplomacy to the big data era and Mapping AI challenges and opportunities for the conduct of diplomacy.

For more information, visit the event page.
