On 29 June 2021, within the second UN Counter-Terrorism Week, a side event called Building Knowledge on Counter-Terrorism in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Threats, Opportunities and Safeguarding Human Rights will take place.

The objective of this side event is to inform Member States on some of the most pressing issues related to the use and misuse of AI in the context of counter-terrorism. The event will also serve to formally launch two reports of the joint UNOCT/UNCCT and UNICRI research initiative: i) Algorithms and Terrorism: The Malicious use of Artificial Intelligence for Terrorist Purposes; and ii) Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Combat the Terrorist Use of the Internet and Social Media – A Focus on South and South East Asia, and provide an opportunity to present the Global Compact Working Group on Human Rights’ in-progress report on the Human Rights Perspectives to the Use of AI in Counter-Terrorism.

The second UN Counter-Terrorism Week will be held from 21 to 30 June 2021. The theme is Countering and Preventing Terrorism in the Age of Transformative Technologies: Addressing the Challenges of the New Decade, and will be complemented by a number of side events, which will facilitate discussion of the four pillars of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. 

For registration and more information, please see the event webpage.

