AI Diplomacy
AI Diplomacy
Human studies
Diplo AI
Diplo AI
Human studies
HumAInism explores what
AI can do for humanity and
how humanity can best be served by it.
As AI has become integral to our lives, vital questions demand immediate answers.
Will machines replace us? Can we harness AI’s benefits while mitigating its drawbacks?
Who holds the reins of AI governance and policy-making?
At Diplo, we delve into these pivotal inquiries through our research, training, events, software development,
and the arts. Guided by our belief that humans should remain at the core of AI utilisation and progress,
we present you humAInism — a name that echoes our commitment to shaping a future where AI empowers,
rather than endangers, humanity.
Will machines replace us? Can we harness AI’s benefits while mitigating its drawbacks?
Who holds the reins of AI governance and policy-making?
At Diplo, we delve into these pivotal inquiries through our research, training, events, software development,
and the arts. Guided by our belief that humans should remain at the core of AI utilisation and progress,
we present you humAInism — a name that echoes our commitment to shaping a future where AI empowers,
rather than endangers, humanity.