AI & Art

humAInism looks at how AI has revolutionised contemporary art across visual, musical, and literary domains. It has expanded the horizons of creative expression, pushing artists and audiences to rethink traditional notions of art, creativity, and authorship.

While AI brings many possibilities, its integration into art raises complex questions about the relationship between humans and machines, challenging us to navigate the evolving landscape of AI-generated art with thoughtfulness and critical engagement.


Former coffee maker – current AI policy advisor

IQ’whalo is an installation by Professor Vladimir Veljašević from the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Art in Belgrade, representing a non-anthropomorphised embodiment of artificial intelligence (AI). It was first presented in 2019 at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Berlin.

IQ’whalo uses a large language model (LLM) to generate synthetic text based on the input of policy papers and transcripts from various meetings and conferences.

The name is a transcription of the Serbian word for coffee maker (‘Kuvalo’). Besides being a science fiction reference, Q is also a reference to ‘Q, the first genderless voice’, developed by many researchers, created to break down the gender binary and the stereotyping that binary brings. IQ’whalo applied its concept by altering the synthesised voice’s pitch and creating genderless expression.
