A recent survey conducted by CNBC|SurveyMonkey in the workforce sheds light on the noteworthy contentment of individuals who depend on AI in their occupations. Those who rely on AI in their work display a Workforce Happiness Index of 78, a margin of seven points higher than those who do not use AI. This distinction surpasses variations based on factors such as ethnicity, educational background, or workplace conditions. AI users express higher job contentment, increased incomes, improved prospects for career progression, and more favourable workplace morale. They are also more inclined to witness their earnings outpacing the rise in the cost of living, a prevalent concern among workers.

These early AI adopters are a diverse cohort with a substantial representation in industries like advertising & marketing, business support & logistics, agriculture, hospitality & tourism, and technology. Despite their achievements, some still harbour apprehensions about AI causing job displacement, particularly in the fields of advertising & marketing and business support & logistics. Nevertheless, many of these AI enthusiasts willingly embrace the technology, recognizing its potential to amplify productivity and accomplishments.

Why does this matter?

The advent of AI, as exemplified by ChatGPT, has sparked concerns regarding the swift replacement of human workers with algorithms. Nonetheless, those who have early-adopted AI in their professional roles are encountering a contrasting reality. This challenges the often-negative narrative that AI will lead to widespread job displacement. By showcasing AI as a tool for career advancement it can alleviate fears and concerns about job security in an AI-driven future. Policymakers and educators can take these findings into account when developing policies and curricula to prepare the workforce for the AI era.
