The Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications (MCTIC) of Brazil has launched a public consultation to define a national strategy for artificial intelligence (AI). The public is invited to provide input on how AI can contribute to addressing some of the countries main issues, and what should be the priority areas for the development and use AI technologies. The national AI strategy is envisioned to focus on several main themes: qualifications for a digital future; workforce; research,  development, innovation, and entrepreneurship; government application of AI; and AI application in the productive sector and public safety. Legislative and regulatory issues, AI governance, ethics, and international cooperation are other aspects to be tackled in the strategy. It is also worthwhile mentioning that the government of Goiás state, in partnership with the University of Goiás, has launched a Centre of excellence in AI, dedicated to fostering cooperation between public entities, the academic and research communities, and companies in the development of AI technologies.
